Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mreps and Muc Discuss Death

Mreps: Good day to you Muc

Muc: Good day to you Mreps

Mreps: To die is not a constraint

Muc: A gift if you will

Mreps: If a pope shits, use it for paint

Muc: Doesn't make sense but still..

Mreps: To talk is to abstain

Muc: To walk is to abreviate

Mreps: They strip you when you die, oh such a shame

Muc: Till death we pay the mortgage rate

Mreps: Till death! Till death!

Muc: Oh, thy pain so sorrow! Like a dagger inist the cloak

Mreps: Its coming, its coming

Muc: Cumshot!

Mreps: Till death! Till death!

Muc: Oh, thy pain so sorrow! Like a dagger inist the cloak

Mreps: Peeps

Muc: Tits

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