Mreps: Good day to you Muc
Muc: Good day to you Mreps
Mreps: Distinction that would seem I reckon
Muc: Right, right
Mreps: Stephen Hawkings never got a Distinction before I reckon
Muc: Makes Haikal a bloody genius it is
Mreps: Stephen Hawkings always got a High as Fucking Hell Distinction I reckon
Muc: Makes Haikal close to a bloody genius it is
Mreps: Fancy a cup of tea?
Muc: Make that a cup of tea with a snippet of wanky hanky pellets
Mreps: Cuts a paper, paper cuts
Muc: Nobody does what must a mutt
Mreps: A high P1 Haikal had in LAW 1 and 2a, very poor, very poor indeed..
Muc: Jolly well done, he has, with a D
Mreps: Jolly well, jolly well
Muc: Whats a tippet of umbrellas if there is no stand?
Mreps: Peeps
Muc: Tits
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