Monday, November 30, 2009

Mreps and Muc Discuss Blade

Mreps: Good day to you Muc

Muc: Good day to you Mreps

Mreps: Fancy a viddy with a slew of badass motherfucker vibes in a cup of tea?

Muc: I would indeed as I have

Mreps: This here we have a fellow named Blade rollicking the fists of a badass motherfucker

Muc: Blade should be in Twilight I fransfortu

Mreps: How long would you reckon it take for him to kill off the entire Cullen family?

Muc: Tricky, but I would commence a 5 minute time frame

Mreps: It doesn't matter how fast they move. Blade can kill them and he bloody well kill them good

Muc: Right, right. They'll die ten times before they hit the ground
Mreps: Good riddance to bad acting

Muc: Cheers to that. Wesley Snipes should win a bloody Oscar for that film just cause he would have done a great service to the world

Mreps: But what about the werewolves with no pants on?

Muc: Kill them too he would. Before the steroid ridden beasties even reach him, a loaded silver bullet shotgun should do them in

Mreps: However, quite tricky it would be for Blade to do battle with the Dakota Fanning girl

Muc: Blade will decapitate her. And I'll tell you why. She's a cocky riggy diggy and being over confident gets you fucking killed you would in Blade's world
Mreps: Shame about Blade 3 though. What went wrong there?

Muc: Must have been everything. No matter, we shalt always have Blade 2. Guillermo Del Toro!

Mreps: Guillermo Del Toro!

Muc: How shalt Blade kill Edward Cullen?

Mreps: Shalt I suggest death by guillotine? Or by sawing?

Muc: I would say more katana through the heart or use a diamond to smash his head. The ironical debate. Diamond by diamond

Mreps: Death by diamond seems fair and wise. Almost comical

Vic: Toss him in a pit of fire!

Donny: Pour acid over his face!

Jules: Castration!

Tony: Disembowelment!

Muc: In the name of Doctor Louis Stevenson! Who are you people?

Vic: We're big fans of yours Mreps and Muc

Donny: Love your work

Jules: Couldn't agree more

Tony: Red beet and potty meat

Mreps: Why, we have fans! Oh wondrous joy!Is this what it feels like? Fame?

Muc: Fame at the price of our privacy it is. I can expect my sex video to be out on the Internet soon..

Mreps: Who is in that sex video with you?

Muc: Your wife

Mreps: :O

Muc: I had sex with your wife

Mreps: Peeps

Muc: Tits

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mreps and Muc Discuss Chin Peng

Mreps: Good day to you Muc

Muc: Good day to you Mreps

Mreps: Who's this wanker you reckon?

Muc: That right there name's Chin Peng, head of the Malaysian Communist Party during the time of Christmas Past

Mreps: That's that guy eh? I heard the golog's been exiled and now wants to simmey back to Malaysia to die

Muc: You heard right Mreps, and quite a pickle this has been for the whole country on the decision of stand stone

Mreps: Do you think he should be allowed back here?

Muc: Before I answer that question which credents the analogy of what's not and what's what, answer this: If Hitler was found to be alive this whole time (hiding in Brazil he is) and then decides to simmey back to Germany, do you think the public will let him to that?

Mreps: He'll get tried by the Jews for sure and put to hang!

Muc: If James II were to return to England after the events of the Glorious Revolution asking to be laid to rest in the stones of fore and tell, do you think Parliament would let him?

Mreps: He'll be put to the stand and have his head lobbed off just like his father Charles II!

Muc: Exactly that! But there are some perpetually secounded retards out there that digress and ascertain that why can't Chin Peng be forgiven like Germany and Japan?

Mreps: Bunch of perpetually secounded wankers they are! Germany and Japan were forgiven because of the change in governments (having puppet governments installed) and change of leadership and over time have grown to reflect the type of country the West would want (in this case, U.S.A) . Chin Peng is a statuated man, and as an individual he carries the responsibility of the leader of his guerrilla organisation and will forever carry the heavy desities for the evil he has done. A country cannot carry the responsibilities committed by the scoundrel that inhabited and defiled her. Therefore, to those that give the reason of Germany and Japan, fuck off you low life buggers!

Muc: Getting a little heated there Mreps. How about a cup of little miss muppet sat on a truffet and had a galloy of two?

Mreps: Just can't stand idiocracy Muc

Muc: I had sex with your wife

Mreps: Peeps

Muc: Tits

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mreps and Muc Discuss Assassins Creed 2

Click image to enlarge

Mreps: Buona giornata da tu Muc

Muc: Buona giornata da tu Mreps

Mreps: Dammi sempre il bacio della buonanotte

Muc: L'amore vince sempre

Mreps: La moglie e'la chiave di casa

Muc: La ricchezza del mio cuore è infinita come il mare, così profondo il mio amore... più te ne do, più ne ho, perché entrambi sono infiniti

Mreps: Che l'amore è tutto è tutto cio' che sappiamo dell'amore

Muc: Siamo tutti angeli con una sola ala, possiamo volare solo se ci abbracciamo l'uno con l'altro

Mreps: Sogni sono le pietre di paragone del nostro carattere

Muc: Amare non è guardarsi l'un l'altro, ma guardare insieme nella stessa direzione

Mreps: Se vuoi amarmi, per null’altro sia se non che per amore

Muc: Ti amo tesoro mio

Mreps: Ama, ridi, sogna - e vai dormire

Muc: Bacco, tabacco e Venere riducono l'uomo in cenere

Mreps: Dubita che le stelle siano fuoco... dubita che il sole si muova... dubita che la verità sia mentitrice... ma non dubitare mai del mio amore

Muc: Io ho occhi solo per te

Mreps: Se vuoi amarmi, per null’altro sia se non che per amore

Muc: Io v sesso fam poss'a moglie

Mreps: S'birciatas

Muc: Cogliones

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mreps and Muc Entering the Music Biz

Mreps: Good day to you Muc

Muc: Good day to you Mreps

Mreps: Fancy composing a song Muc?

Muc: Why not, as the day lies transitioned upon the winter module of summer

Mreps: Let us call this song 'If I Could Change the World'

Muc: And lets begin

Mresp: If I could rule the world

Muc: If he could rule the world

Mreps: I'll flood the world with spaghetti sauce

Muc: Just to show whose boss

Mreps: Kill all the non-believers, the one's who don't acknowledge my facist ruuu-u-u-le

Muc: We'll even brainwash the kids, genetically engineered soldiers in my schoo-oo-oo-ls

Mreps: Have them fight for our cause

Muc: The cause to skin alive Kate Moss

Mreps: They'll hunt down all those retarded bastards

Muc: Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers

Mreps: I'll change the global anthem to, Manowar's 'Die For Metal'

Muc: And that would increase the productivity of a kettle!

Mreps: *Slaps face* By golly right you are

Muc: Righter than a Mustang car

Mreps: I'll force Scarlett Johansson to be my wi-i-i-fe

Muc: Being with me she'll live a better li-i-i-fe

Mresp: Than in agony and strife with Ryan Reynolds

Muc: I'll be the tyrant and have a trophy wife by my side

Muc: And together we can rain down the opposition with our machine gun raining kiiiii-i-tes

Mreps: Oh what joy would it be to rule the world

Muc: Having buttsex with as many many girls

Mreps: Ohhhh whaaaaaaat joooooooy it would be to ruuuuuuule the wooooooooooooooooooorld!

Muc: Buttsex!

Mreps: End of song. What do you think of that Muc?

Muc: I had sex with your wife

Mreps: Peeps

Muc: Tits

Monday, November 16, 2009

Mreps and Muc Discuss the 2009 Quantitative Measures Exam

Mreps: Good day to you Muc

Muc: Good day to you Mreps

Mreps: Back from our holiday from the Ukraine I would say

Muc: Right, right

Mreps: What would that graph above our imaginary lines be? If you would not mind telling mind

Muc: Yes I would mind telling you and the graph above is known to be a normal distribution curve which represents quite a shingdiggy point in QM as I am told by the Lords of Numbers himself

Mreps: How was the so called exam in the term of lightened abreviation

Muc: A fascinating induction that foresees many terminological benefits

Mreps: HD?

Muc: Possible but in the course of the exam, Haikal faced quite a junction of difficulties that he shingdiggy did not expect to find

Mreps: An enlightenment would be needed thank you very much

Muc: Such is. For example a question that reads; does the sample need to be normally distributed? Explain

Mreps: That wasn't even in the past year question I reckon

Muc: Right, right

Mreps: What was his answer towards that concoction?

Muc: In a dash of murkberry; 'Yes, because we are using standard deviation'

Mreps: I heard he had some problems grabbing the chicken wing of question 1 is what I heard

Muc: Right, right

Mreps: Confused he was by the trickery of the devil's numbers

Muc: Didn't know if it should be compounded monthly for the 6 months only or the whole year. Luckily he got that right

Mreps: Another lucky thing he had with the 98% z-score which equals 2.33

Muc: Right, right. Wrote it down on his hand he did

Mreps: As far as the cuckaroo speaks, the trickey of the devils numbers grew inist the growth of Question 3 finding if the production time or paper resources had been exhausted

Muc: Right, right

Mreps: Inist the trickery of the devil, comfort was found in questions 2, 5 and 6 with very little promelomane within the confines of question 4 except for a certain something that escaped the mind frame...

Muc: And what exactly was missed?

Mreps: Instead of writing skewed to the right, Haikal wrote skewed to the left threatening his existence of plain

Muc: Pity that I should. A missed opportunity it was. Lifeless it is talking about a test

Mreps: Absolutely right you are there Muc. How should we end this shindiggy?

Muc: I'll end it I suppose with a state of mais that transcends the bowels of anal

Mreps: No, allow me for that is my stated forte within my resume

Muc: And that allowacation is there

Mreps: Guess what?

Muc: What?

Mreps: Chicken butt!

Muc: ...

Mreps: ...

Muc: I had sex with your wife

Mreps: Peeps

Muc: Tits

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mreps and Muc Present: Dr. Etabrutsam Discusses Haikal's Dreams (Final))

Dr. Etabrutsam: As the situation calls for such a mind, a mind like mine in deciphering dreams, dreams of such vivid discolouration which enuantisticates the expertise of a mind like mine

Haikal: So it seems Doctor

Dr. Etabrutsam: This session will be a short Q&A of all the recurring elements in your dreams that you have been having for the past years of life. The floor is yours

Haikal: I dream sometimes that I'm using guns to vanquish my foes. But all of a sudden the guns shoot out bullets that have no effect on my enemies or I keep missing my target or the guns disappear and I'm just shooting nothing

Dr. Etabrutsam: This is your mind telling you that guns to you are not the most important tool in commandeering an iron steel over your enemies. This is your mind telling you that you will develop powers beyond your wildest imaginations that you can then use to destroy and crush anyone and anybody that stands in your way for world domination. You will have the power of a God

Haikal: I also have this dreams when I'm running from something and I always seem to move in slow motion or keep falling down

Dr. Etabrutsam: In Romanian culture, that means that you are running away from your destiny but cannot do so. That destiny is to become ruler of the Universe alongside your Titans

Haikal: There's this other dreams where I'm stuck in this shopping mall. The shopping mall always varies but the one thing they have in common are the elevators that look to be steep

Dr. Etabrutsam: This seems to be a prediction that the shopping mall represents a Frostfurtam, a demon from Norse mythology in which you will battle. The winner is not known and only the skills of one other would tell

Haikal: A fitting end to a fitting week

Dr. Etabrutsam: And now I embark to wherever my expertise of a mind like mine is needed

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mreps and Muc Presents: Dr. Etabrutsam Discuss Haikal's Dreams (Pt. 3)

Dr. Etabrutsam: As the situation calls for such a mind, a mind like mine in deciphering your dreams, dreams of such vivid discolouration which enuantisticates the expertise of a mind like mine

Haikal: So it seems Doctor

Dr. Etabrutsam: And which dream requires the sudden terminology that my work defines as such?

Haikal: I had this particular one during the weekend. This one girl I'm in love with, I had a dream about her. In the dream she had something of amnesia. But it wasn't the sort of amnesia like she forgot her name or identity or everything, it was just me she forgot about. She couldn't remember me at all no matter how hard I tried to remind her of me. It was just me she couldn't remember.

Dr. Etabrutsam: In the books of Popol Vuh as exemplified in Mayan Mythology, the state in which a person is described to have forgotten about a particular someone entirely represents the heart of Xbalanque. If we were to apply it to your case, this girl in your dream. She is considered to be a fragment of your imagination. She isn't real. You have told me about this girl before in our previous sessions (which were not documented in this blog) and I can deduce that no such girl as perfect as her should ever exist. The reason you fell in love with her is entirely because she would be the kind of girl that you would fall for. You created her from the pit of your imagination to embody the type of girl that you will hope to have. I had my suspicions before but this dream proves my suspicions to be correct.

Haikal: Illuminous

Dr. Etabrutsam: Illuminous indeed

Haikal: And to the next time I suppose. Our final discussion on dreams

Dr. Etabrutsam: And to the next and final time we will

Monday, November 9, 2009

Mreps and Muc Present: Dr. Etabrutsam Discusses Haikal's Dreams (Pt.2)

Dr. Etabrutsam: As th situation calls for such a mind, a mind like mine in deciphering your dreams, dreams of such vivid discolouration which enuntisticates the experise of a mind like mine

Haikal: So it seems Doctor

Dr. Etabrutsam: Which dream would you like to have deciphered?

Haikal: This one particular one I suppose. It starts with me as Robin but I'm not with Batman. I'm with the Teen Titans and I'm doing this one mission where I have to get this bomb out of the city. The bomb detonates and I die with the city, although that was only s simulation and I find myself still alive. However I feel dissatisfied about it cause I could do it last time. My friend Cyborg comes along and tells me I'm going soft and sends me to prison to toughen me up. In prison, I'm in this tournament where I'm beating the other contestant and mostly just pwning everyone until I come across this big fat guy in the next round to which I decide to take up my bazooka at my weapon catche in the woods but I see this people shuffling about in the forests when I get there. Following a news report I find that infected dragonflies have started to latch onto peoples heads and thus turn them into zombies. Upon hearing this news, I got my weapons and headed to the town to protect it from the invasion. Along the way I come across a bridge where I meet these two people who have become infected but haven't turned yet. One was debating on how good it is to be a human and the other how good it is to be part of the hive. I killed both and moved on. On the bridge I found a car that I could use to head to the town; a Ford Mustang. Using the Mustang, I proceeded to the town and past the first toll. Not being an idiot I rammed through the toll although there were notifications on the toll to not ram through with serious repercussions. The police were there but didn't arrest me so I moved on. Before getting to the second toll, my friend Ridzuan comes along with his new Audi sports car and asked me to race him. We got to the second toll and jumped a ramp. After that, I didn't see him again and I assumed he died. A random moment happened: a cop in a bicycle jumped the ramp and crashed. Random. So I'm there in the town already and got out of the car to look for my girlfriend. It turns out my girlfriend in the dream is Denise Richards and she told me she didn't love me anymore cause she turned lesbian. WTF! Ignoring that I proceeded to defend the town but my guns all turned into nerf guns and this computer geek approached me and asked me how was my vacation. That was the end.

Dr. Etabrutsam: This dream embodies an epic journey that you are going to take soon in the future and you will emerge from the ashes a hero. Your friend Ridzwan plans to betray you and has plans to do so this very instant. This 'race' foresees your fight with him with you as the victor. The zombies represent the product of front communication with the basis of formation in the heart of control. Hence the explanation of a 'hive mind'. Your character of Robin and his failure in the beginning embodies your failure at the beginning of your journey but do not fret as this is just the negativity factors at the beginning of every epic journey. Robin can mean 'Pfulemon' in Greek which means that a serious statement will arise in your starting point of any journey as we see in the legend of Apollo and Ares. Denise Richards represents your future girlfriend (who may or may not be Denise Richards) who will indeed turn lesbian in which you can engage in a threesome with her girlfriend and her. The random moment is indeed just that.

Haikal: And to next time I suppose

Dr. Etabrutsam: And to next time we will

Friday, November 6, 2009

Mreps and Muc Present: Dr. Etabrutsam Discusses Haikal's Dreams (Pt.1)

Dr. Etabrutsam: As the situation calls for such a mind, a mind like mine in deciphering your dreams, dreams of such vivid discolouration which enuntisticates the expertise of a mind like mine

Haikal: So it seems doctor

Dr. Etabrutsam: Let us start with the most recent discoloured dream that you have created within your system

Haikal: You know that movie Inglourious Basterds? Well, this dream was sort of like that but without the Basterds or Shosanna and the like. It was just about assassinating Hitler and my brother and I were the Basterds. There was no Aldo Raine or Donowitz. Just my brother and me and we were on a mission to assassinate Hitler. So we arrived at Hitler's mansion and my camera view went FPS style with the surroundings being reminiscent of the recent Wolfenstein game. We killed the guards and proceeded towards infiltrating the mansion and thats when my camera view went back to a third-person view point. In the mansion, we discovered that although it was big from the outside, it was small as fuck in comparison on the inside. And after making our way upstairs, we encountered Hitler's guard dogs that looked like badass motherfuckers from hell. I can't remember what happened but we beat the dogs and along the way I met some cats in which I conversed with them and we were embroiled in a discussion of such. Can't remember the conversation though. Finally I arrived in Hitler's room by myself and had to fight Hitler's right hand man who took me on with a fork. As unusual it would seem, I had some trouble fighting off a man with Thats when my brother arrived with the baseball bat that the Bear Jew used in Inglourious Basterds and beat the shit out of the fork guy. So there we was with just Hitler and the fuckers begging for mercy. I pushed him out of the window and he fell to his death. He fell head first and I can vividly remember seeing his head explode as it hit the ground. That was it. What does it all mean Doc?

Dr. Etabrutsam: In the face of it all, this dream offers a prediction, a prediction that tells of a story, a story to furemarate into the realm of your desire. Hitler represents the fascist government which is quite obvious and you represent the resistance against that fascist movement. In the future of your desire, the country in which you reside body and soul as of now will be undertaken and overruled into a fascist structure and it is up to you, as the dream foresees to take up the role of the liberator. But what would become of your country once the fascist government is overthrown? You would replace that government and rule it as supreme dictator. An absolute power with limitless control. And how do I know of this exactly? An this will be exactly how I will state my answer. Your fight against the dogs for example. In Greek culture, total control is non-existent and reserved for the Gods but the only way for one to gain total control is if one fights the dog of the Underworld, Cerberus and through your description of your dream, the dogs can only mean Cerberus. And as foretold through the vase of Herphorus, the man who fights Cerberus is destined to be supreme ruler of the sand and soil he stands. That man is you with your brother as your right hand man.

Haikal: But what about the cats I talked to? Did that mean anything?

Dr. Etabrutsam: Those cats represent your guidance in your time as ruler. They act as your advisors or ministers who will at times offer advice on your reign.

Haikal: And to next time I suppose

Dr. Etabrutsam: And to next time we will

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Special Guest Star Appearance

Haikal here writing for the first time since this blog was created.

As the title suggests, the Amazing Monologue of Mreps and Muc will feature a special guest star; dream analysis Dr. Etabrutsam who will appear for the following week (or two weeks) to analyse the weird dreams I've been having or had over the years.

Mreps and Muc are currently on vacation in their homeland Ukraine. If you wish to forward your problems please to so at the following contact number: 3102498390842394

Mreps: We're not on vacation yet you deuce

Muc: Right what he said

Haikal: My apologies

Mreps: Can't the ball run where the beach may lie?

Muc: I have something to add

Mreps: Whats that me droog?

Muc: I had sex with your wife

Mreps: Peeps

Muc: Tits

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mreps and Muc Discuss Nothing

Mreps: Good day to you Muc

Muc: Good day to you Mreps


































Muc: I had sex with your wife

Mreps: Peeps

Muc: Tits

Monday, November 2, 2009

Mreps and Muc Discuss Dolph Lundgren

Mreps: Good day to you Muc

Muc: Good day to you Mreps

Mreps: Dolph Lundgren that guy is

Muc: Famous for his role as Ivan Drago in Rocky IV and He-Man in the Masters of the Universe he is

Mreps: That makes him an action star does it not?

Muc: Quite right but hear this my droog

Mreps: Whats that Muc?

Muc: 6 foot 5, Lundgren graduated from the Royal Institute of Technology and later got a Masters in Chemical Engineering from the University if Sydney. He was later awarded a full scholarship to pursue his education at MIT but turned it down to pursue a career in acting. He is fluent in Swedish, German, English, French and Spanish but less fluent in Italian and Japanese

Mreps: Quite an achievement there..

Muc: Lundgren studied fencing, boxing, judo, goju-ryu and taekwando but is quite a master in Kyokusin karate having a 3rd Degree Black Belt and has won the European Championship in Kyokusin in 1980 and 1981 as well as the heavyweight tournament in Australia in 1982

Mreps: Anything else to add?

Muc: Lundgren possesses a genius IQ of 160

Mreps: Not bad for an action movie star indeed

Muc: Shall I tell the audience?

Mreps: Not yet. Best we save it for our next discussion but it would be deemed satisfactory to inform the public about our next piece

Muc: Next we shall discuss 'The Expendables' on top of a pot of claymore iron I reckon

Mreps: Action movie of 2010 that is

Muc: Anything else to add my misappropriately deformed denizen of Ukraine?

Mreps: I'm gay for Lundgren

Muc: I had sex with your wife

Mreps: Peeps

Muc: Tits